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South Australia Passenger Lists

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Australia Passenger Indexes; South Australia - Genseek   list of links to online passenger lists in chronogical order
Bound for South Australia: Passenger Lists for Emigrants 60,000 families/individuals  who came to South Australia between 1836-1851
"City Of Adelaide" Passenger Lists over 20 voyages UK to Australia registration required
German Emigrants to South Australia 1837-1851 over 20 passenger lists
Immigrants to South Australia, (UK, assisted passage) 1847-1886 many passenger lists  here
Passengers Arriving in SA 1838-1839
State Records of South Australia offers a search of Assisted Passage Passengers 1845-1886
South Australian Passenger Lists  1803-50 searchable database
South Australian Passenger Lists 1836-1851
SA Shipping Arrivals 1836-1886 courtesy South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society
South Australian Shipping table of shipping arrivals lists more than 600 passenger carrying voyages to SA. Ships from overseas ports up to 1847 and the other Australian colonies up to 1845
1848..UK to South Australia on the "Harpley" 1848 from book "Lacemakers of Calais"