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Michigan Censuses

Censuses Ottawa and Chippewa Indians Census 1870, 1908, 1910
Census of the State of Michigan 1894 Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, Volume III In June of 1894 census enumerators recorded the names of U.S. soldiers of the Civil War living in Michigan.  42, 544 soldiers were enumerated.  34, 946 were native and 7,598 were foreign born.  148 Confederate soldiers resided in the state at that time.
Census Archives for Michigan - US GenWeb largest collection of free censuses for Michigan online
US GenWeb Census Project - Michigan Censuses a second database of censuses from US GenWeb

World War One Veterans Census fee required after initial search

1790-1930 Federal Censuses Ancestry.com.

1820 Census of Michigan Territory

1827..Michigan Census, 1827-70 Ancestry.com
1830 Census of Michigan Territory
1840 Census of Pensioners Revolutionary or Military Services

1870 Michigan 1870 Census Index Online

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