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All-Australia Cemeteries

Anzac Graves at Gallipoli Every Grave in 26 cemeteries
Australian Cemeteries Index large database of cemetery transcriptions
Australian Cemeteries Message Board read and post messages with other genealogy researchers
Australian Cemeteries - Surnames List (select "Australia" from the menu to the left) large database of surnames searchable by name or by cemetery
Australia Cemeteries search interment.net's large database of Australian cemeteries
Australian War Graves in South Africa 1899-1902

Cemeteries of S.W. Victoria has over 100 cemeteries transcribed
Cemetery Headstone Photo Collection - Over 150 Queensland Cemeteries huge collection of names  by David and Kerry Raymond
Cemeteries on the Internet a review of websites containing links to cemeteries representing the resting places of more than 4,000,000 people, as well as much information about cemeteries in general.
Cemetery Records Online's Australia Links page has an excellent list of Australian online cemeteries.
Directory of Australian Cemeteries - Cemetery Junction
Gallipoli Graveyards an index of those buried in over 26 cemeteries 
Lorraine's Burial Records Page has a large collection of links to Australian online cemeteries
Australian Cemeteries Online huge collection links to cemeteries online here